Optics Valley financial control joint starlight in the community to carry out Qingming festival hero activities
2023-03-30 15:05:03

Flowers for the martyrs, mourning sacrifice loyal soulOn March 30, Optics Valley Financial Holding Group united Xingguang Li Community, Jiufeng StreetCarry out Qingming Festival theme activitiesOrganize cadres and employees to Shimen Peak Memorial ParkCherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, guide cadres and employees to inherit the revolutionary spirit, and cultivate patriotic feelings

Pine and cypress green reflecting the cemetery, the monument stands praise the soul。Memorial garden surrounded by flowers, standing cypress, solemn scene。In front of the monument, all the personnel presented flowers in turn, expressed their condolences, and extended unlimited admiration and deep memory to the revolutionary martyrs。Then, all the personnel lined up neatly, bowed to the martyrs monument, collective silence, to express the high respect for the revolutionary martyrs。

Afterwards, we followed the guide's explanation and stopped to listen, visited the Shimenfeng Museum, including the Hubei Military and People's War of Resistance Museum, the Chutian General Marshal Museum, the Genealogy Family Training Museum and other museum colonies, revisited that glorious red history, felt the revolutionary spirit of the older generation of revolutionaries, and stuck to the great character of the original heart with their lives。

This theme activity, all cadres and employees in the deep memory of the revolutionary martyrs at the same time, do not forget the glorious history of the party and fine traditions;He further enhanced his party spirit while receiving revolutionary history education。Everyone said that as the witnesses and participants of the development of Optical Valley, they will continue to inherit the revolutionary spirit, carry forward the style of struggle, and jointly create a better Optical Valley。